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  • Writer's pictureLena Aracil

Woah a New Website????

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

I'm testing out the format and functions of Wix to consider if it's suitable to use for a replacement website once I'm older, perhaps in college. I'll still probably use it to maintain a blog of my art and progress.

Here is something I made to test out storyboard display formats on websites

It's kind of sloppy but It really helped me better learn constraining my experimentation and attempting to tell a story with those constraints


Here is my current website I'm using (Maybe once you're seeing this I might upgrade) to Wix or another website creator

If you can't see the website, here is my current school portfolio:


Here are my favorite works of art that I made for household creatures, I really enjoyed personifying inanimate objects and giving them more of a storytelling potential

It was quite a challenge to find objects in my house to assign personality and think if they had their own little world; what would it be like?

After all that Ive become quite pleased with my grown so far and I'm looking forward to keep going!

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